DieselDB, is constantly researching ways to recondition diesel pumps and injectors including the ones with no parts available on the market.
Because Piezoelectric injectors start to fail and there are no part available from the producer and also no available repairing technology we have concentrate on this items to find an easy way to repair them.
When the Piezoelectric injector is completely dismantled, cleaned and then is mounted back on, the hydraulic amplifier needs to be charged (refilled) and seated to a specific position (calibrated), otherwise the injector will not work.
We have developed a very simple device to charge (calibrate) the hydraulic amplifier, that helps reduce the time for the process of charging to maximum one minute.
If you are reconditioning Bosch Piezoelectric injectors in your work shop and need to speed up the process, this tool will help you to reduce time, which on the end helps you save money.
We are reconditioning also the valves and the nozzles of Bosch Piezoelectric injectors.
If you would like to find out more or would like to buy this tool please get in contact with by writing a comment to this post or write us by email.
After the piezo hydraulic amplifier is unmounted from the injector, liquefied grease is applied on the spacer. The peizo hydraulic amplifier is also unmounted, then places under calibrating liquid, mounted under calibrating liquid, then applied on top of the spacer.
After it is placed on the device and pressurized at the set pressure.
Then take it off from the device and mount it on the injector as the movie shows you.
Tags: Bosch Calibrating Injector Piezo Piezoelectric Refilling
I’m interested in this tool for repair Bosch Piezo-Injectors.
(Refilling/Calibrating Bosch Piezo Injectors)
What is the price? and what type of oil ISO must be used to refill?
Please send detail to my email
Hello, I will send details.
Yes am interested on with this tool, I need to buy it ,,, what is the tool reference number please
Hello, I will contact you by email.
Hi! Interested in this, what ISO oil do you use to refill the amplifier?
Hello, I will send you our offer.
Hi, Im interested. Let me know where to buy this tool ?? and what type of ISO oil to use.
Hello, I will contact you with info regarding purchasing the tool
Where can I purchase a Liter of Calibrating ISO Fluid, please
Hello, where are you located?
Really nice video demonstration. I am interested in purchasing one refilling/calibrating tool. Could you please send me a quote?
Hello, information sent by email.
bonjour je suis intéressé par votre presse , pouvez vous me dire le prix pour la france et la procédure a suivre pour amorcer le poussoir , merci
Bonjour, je vous enverrai les détails par e-mail.
Hello, I will send details by email.
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