Cummins 4 964 172 / Bosch injector 0 986 435 912
Part numbers
4955526 / 4 955 526
4964172 / 4 964 172
4955526NX / 4955526PX / 4955526RX
4964172NX / 4964172PX / 4964172RX
Exchange part no
0986435912 / 0 986 435 912
Cummins QSK38, QSK50 Tier 2
Tags: Cummins
Good morning,
I am inquiring about the possibility of purchasing Bosch 4964172 injectors installed on Cummins QSK38-M ESN 33176703 engines. I am interested in assessing the availability and details regarding the supply of these components.
In particular, I would like to receive information regarding the following points:
Availability of Bosch 4964172 injectors for Cummins QSK38-M ESN 33176703 engines
Purchase methods and delivery times
Sales conditions and warranties offered on the components
Any additional services offered in relation to the purchase of the injectors
I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with complete details regarding these aspects, in order to assess the possibility of proceeding with the purchase of the injectors in question.
I am available for further clarification or information you may need.
Thank you for your attention and kind regards.
Good day, how many do you need?